Why Not to Rely on Big Platforms Only?

The Risks and the Smart Creator’s Guide to Diversification

The digital creator space is bustling with opportunities, but with these opportunities come challenges, especially on big platforms. From algorithm changes to monetization hurdles, creators often find themselves navigating a complex web. Let’s delve into these challenges and explore some recommended solutions:

1. Delayed Monetization:


Many platforms require creators to achieve certain milestones before they can monetize.

Recommended Solutions:

Platforms like Mentoga allow immediate monetization through fan interactions. Additionally, platforms like Ko-fi offer quick setup for fan donations.

2. Overwhelming Competition:


With the sheer volume of creators on major platforms, gaining a unique voice and visibility is daunting.

Recommended Solutions:

Consider niche platforms that cater to specific audiences. Platforms like Mentoga emphasize personal interactions, helping creators differentiate themselves.

3. Lack of Personal Connection


Viral content often overshadows meaningful interactions on big platforms.

Recommended Solutions:

Mentoga’s model prioritizes one-on-one interactions, fostering genuine relationships. Similarly, Patreon allows creators to offer exclusive content to dedicated fans.

4. Vulnerability to Algorithm Changes:


A single algorithm tweak can drastically affect content visibility.

Recommended Solutions:

Diversifying across platforms can mitigate this risk. While Mentoga emphasizes direct interactions, platforms like Substack prioritize subscriber-based content, reducing dependency on algorithms.

5. Limited Control Over Audience Data:


Many platforms don’t grant creators access to comprehensive audience data.

Recommended Solutions:

Mentoga provides insights into fan interactions, while platforms like Mailchimp offer detailed analytics for email campaigns.

6. Restrictive Content Guidelines:


Creators often feel confined by the stringent content guidelines of major platforms.

Recommended Solutions:

Platforms like Vimeo or Mentoga offer more flexibility, allowing creators to share content without as many restrictions.

7. Unpredictable Revenue Streams:


Ad revenues can fluctuate, making financial planning challenging.

Recommended Solutions:

Subscription-based models, like those on Mentoga or Patreon, offer more predictable income streams.


While challenges abound in the digital creator space, a multitude of solutions exist. By diversifying platforms and exploring options like Mentoga, creators can navigate these challenges more effectively, ensuring a sustainable and rewarding journey.

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